We are excited to once again have Untapped All Natural Athletic Fuel at miles11.9 and 19 at the People’s United Bank Vermont City Marathon on Sunday, May 26. 

Why Maple?

Pure maple syrup is produced simply by removing water from maple sap, leaving behind the liquid gold that we know and love. This lack of heavy processing leaves a multitude of benefits in the syrup that one finds lacking from other sweeteners and gels.

Yes, maple syrup has benefits!  Maple syrup naturally contains electrolytes and minerals so a runner can gain nutritional and performance benefits from a natural energy source, while training and racing.  This sweet stuff contains more than fifty antioxidants and contains amino acids, which help prevent muscle deterioration. Given that maple syrup is low glycemic it provides prolonged, sustained energy rather than offering a quick burst and subsequent energy crashes.

The benefits continue!

UnTapped syrup packets are water soluble, so you don’t even need to wash it down with water.  Also, there is no “gut-rot” that can occur from taking traditional gels that are chemical laden. Our caffeinated and non-caffeinated packets digest well even on the hottest days, and in the colder temperature’s maple syrup doesn’t freeze as other gels may so we’ve got you coverage no matter what the conditions are.

Did you say caffeine?  Yes, Untapped offers a Maple UnTapped packet, and also Coffee Untapped, which has real coffee infused into Pure Vermont Maple Syrup. Both choices give you all the amino acids, electrolytes and minerals that an athlete needs, but the Coffee Untapped also includes a kick of 27 mg caffeine.  At 100 calories per serving both are great to help fuel workouts, races and come in handy in day to life when you are looking to naturally sweeten oatmeal, ice cream or a cup of coffee!

Do you like a little more substance?  The UnTapped Maple Waffles have its roots in the Dutch stroopwafel but is sweetened and flavored exclusively with real maple syrup and maple sugar.  Honestly, the entire UnTapped waffle line is great any time of day and is a fuel that you don’t have to feel guilty about.  Read the ingredient list, because unlike other products you can pronounce and recognize everything on there!